Baby Room Top Chapel Day Nursery

Welcome to our baby room

Our baby room is located on the first floor with beautiful, cosy play spaces. The room is large with a separate sleeping area. This allows us to follow babies' sleep patterns without impinging on the care of other children.

Changing facilities are also close to but separate to the main play area with a half wall separating this area wkty a separate hand washing basin. This enables us to keep up with high standards of hygiene practices during changing times.
In the baby room, we operate a 1:3 ratio.

Each and every resource in the baby room has been chosen carefully to offer real and authentic learning opportunities from our loose parts areas offering opportunities to learning such as transient art to our sparkly and 'hygee' cosy area where the babies are able to have continuous access to books promoting verbal and non-verbal communication.
Every interaction is important to us, no matter how small, we believe responding to and making sense of the sounds babies make encourages them to talk back.

All our families are different but all are very special the first thing that you will see when you enter our rooms is a wall with framed pictures of all our families. When children and families come in and see their own pictures on the wall, they know that Top Chapel is a place they belong providing a sense of security for them and boosting confidence and self-esteem in our enabling environment.

Baby room